GLP in Europa

Der Name GLP ist in Europa ziemlich neu, doch unser europäischer Geschäftsbereich, früher Gazeley, verfügt über 35 Jahre an Erfahrung als Entwickler und Manager für hochwertige Logistikimmobilien in Europa.

Regionale Schwerpunkte sind Deutschland, Frankreich, die Niederlande, Belgien, Spanien, Italien, Polen, Ungarn, die Slowakei, Tschechien und das Vereinigte Königreich, die stärksten europäischen Logistikmärkte.

Wir bieten branchenführende Kompetenzen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette einschließlich Investment, Entwicklung, Asset Management und Leasing. Zu unserer Erfolgsbilanz gehört die Bereitstellung von 9.5 Millionen Quadratmetern Logistikfläche für ein breites Kundenspektrum.

Unser operatives Portfolio umfasst Flächen von zurzeit mehr als 4.5 Millionen Quadratmetern in strategischen Logistikmärkten. Wir managen drei Fonds im Wert von über 10 Milliarden Euro an verwaltetem Vermögen in Europa.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die lokalen Fähigkeiten von GLP in Ihrem Markt.

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Unsere Immobilien

Available now

GLP Park Henin-Beaumont 1 & 2


Henin-Beaumont. 27,183 m²

Available now

GLP Park Cestas 1


Bordeaux. 3,840 m²

Available now

GLP Park Ablaincourt


Ablaincourt-Pressoir. 38,162 m²

GLP Park Ablaincourt is located in North of France, logistics Platform available


GLP Park Le Havre


Le Havre. 69,274 m²

GLP Park Le Havre is located in the heart of the port area of Le Havre, providing privileged access to the Port's infrastructure (Port 2000).

Under construction

GLP Park Tours


Tours. 62,570 m²

Available now

GLP Park Denain


Denain. 99,281 m²

GLP Park Denain is a multimodal XXL logistics warehouse, and is located in the north of France near Lille.

Available now

Orléans Logistics Park 9 – Ormes


Orleans. 9,271 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers.

Disponible maintenant

Orléans Logistics Park 1 – Ormes


Nord de la France. 9,210 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers. The Ormes 1 site, has a total surface area of approximately 9,210 m².

Disponible immédiatement

Orléans Logistics Park 1 – Ormes


Orléans. 9,210 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers. The Ormes 1 site, has a total surface area of approximately 9,210 m².

Verfügbar Aug. 2025

Düsseldorf Süd 1 (Dormagen) Logistikcenter


Dormagen. 32,713 m²

Verfügbar Q3 2025

Philippsburg Logistikcenter


Philippsburg. 120,570 m²

Verfügbar Q4 2025

Dortmund-West (Castrop-Rauxel) Logistikcenter


Castrop-Rauxel. 23,973 m²

Sofort verfügbar

Hamburg-Süd (Bispingen) Unit 1 Logistikcenter


Bispingen. 12,582 m²

G-Park Roncello


Roncello (MB). 25,432 m²


G-Park Swindon

United Kingdom

Swindon. 7,518 m²

A state-of-the-art industrial and logistics build-to-suit warehouse spanning up to 80,927 sq ft.

Build to Suit | Speculative projects

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde


Madrid. 280,000 m²

Speculative project

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde Building 1


Madrid. 26,368 m²

Available now

G-Park Nogarole Rocca


Nogarole Rocca (VR). 15,715 m²

Available now

G-Park Liscate


Liscate (MI). 30,091 m²

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Unsere Immobilien

Available now

GLP Park Henin-Beaumont 1 & 2


Henin-Beaumont. 27,183 m²

Available now

GLP Park Cestas 1


Bordeaux. 3,840 m²

Available now

GLP Park Ablaincourt


Ablaincourt-Pressoir. 38,162 m²

GLP Park Ablaincourt is located in North of France, logistics Platform available


GLP Park Le Havre


Le Havre. 69,274 m²

GLP Park Le Havre is located in the heart of the port area of Le Havre, providing privileged access to the Port's infrastructure (Port 2000).

Under construction

GLP Park Tours


Tours. 62,570 m²

Available now

GLP Park Denain


Denain. 99,281 m²

GLP Park Denain is a multimodal XXL logistics warehouse, and is located in the north of France near Lille.

Available now

Orléans Logistics Park 9 – Ormes


Orleans. 9,271 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers.

Disponible maintenant

Orléans Logistics Park 1 – Ormes


Nord de la France. 9,210 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers. The Ormes 1 site, has a total surface area of approximately 9,210 m².

Disponible immédiatement

Orléans Logistics Park 1 – Ormes


Orléans. 9,210 m²

Ormes is the “Prime” logistics zone of Orleans, an established logistics market benefiting from its proximity to Paris, a significant consumer base and a skilled workforce. Moreover, the vacancy rate is below the national average with some quality offers. The Ormes 1 site, has a total surface area of approximately 9,210 m².

Verfügbar Aug. 2025

Düsseldorf Süd 1 (Dormagen) Logistikcenter


Dormagen. 32,713 m²

Verfügbar Q3 2025

Philippsburg Logistikcenter


Philippsburg. 120,570 m²

Verfügbar Q4 2025

Dortmund-West (Castrop-Rauxel) Logistikcenter


Castrop-Rauxel. 23,973 m²

Sofort verfügbar

Hamburg-Süd (Bispingen) Unit 1 Logistikcenter


Bispingen. 12,582 m²

G-Park Roncello


Roncello (MB). 25,432 m²


G-Park Swindon

United Kingdom

Swindon. 7,518 m²

A state-of-the-art industrial and logistics build-to-suit warehouse spanning up to 80,927 sq ft.

Build to Suit | Speculative projects

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde


Madrid. 280,000 m²

Speculative project

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde Building 1


Madrid. 26,368 m²

Available now

G-Park Nogarole Rocca


Nogarole Rocca (VR). 15,715 m²

Available now

G-Park Liscate


Liscate (MI). 30,091 m²