Pakiet Lidera

W GLP wiemy, że naszym największym kapitałem i kluczem do naszego sukcesu są ludzie. Opracowaliśmy Palkiet Lidera, zestaw poradników online, który umożliwia wszystkim menedżerom przyciąganie i zatrzymywanie najlepszych dostępnych talentów.

Thrive in a workplace that cares.

“We believe in empowering people to be entrepreneurial, growth-focused, have a winning mindset and a passion to be the best. We focus on thinking beyond the bounds of our industry by pursuing innovation, sharing new ideas and pushing each other to succeed”.

Ming Z. Mei

Co-Founder & CEO

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Wyobraź sobie siebie w GLP

"Working at GLP Europe is particularly valuable because we are part of a fantastic team, kind and eager to help newcomers grow. My managers quickly trusted me and gave me significant responsibilities, allowing me to take a new role in a very short period, rewarding me beyond my expectations. "

Samy Buekenhout

Senior Development Manager

"I absolutely love my role at GLP. I get involved in many different things and feel respected and valued by my manager and peers. GLP are by far the best company I have worked for. Everyone here possesses a great work ethic and in return we are rewarded well."

Nancy Cunningham

Executive Assistant

"I really appreciate the possibility to work in a fully flexible and self-reliant environment, which is very much based on trust and the delivery of excellent work results of the entire team. For me as a full-time working mum this represents one of the key assets of this company. "

Marie Luise von Knobloch-Keil

Head of Asset Management

Want to learn more about us and how we can help you?

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