GLP Europe je popredným svetovým developerom komerčných nehnuteľností, ktoré vlastní aj prevádzkuje. Zameriava sa na vývoj v oblasti logistiky, dátových centier, obnoviteľných zdrojov energie a súvisiacich technológií.

Spoločnosť už viac ako 35 rokov poskytuje služby v logistickom sektore, v ktorom patrí k inovatívnym lídrom.

Find out more about GLP

Logistické služby sú kľúčovou súčasťou každého hospodárstva a globálneho obchodu.

Naše skúsenosti na jednotlivých trhoch v kombinácii s globálnym know-how pomáhajú našim zákazníkom získať potrebný náskok pred konkurenciou.

Náš záväzok k trvalo udržateľnému rozvoju

Pri vývoji logistických nehnuteľností berieme do úvahy ľudí aj životné prostredie. Preto používame inteligentné a udržateľné technológie, ktoré pomáhajú ľuďom a zároveň znižujú našu uhlíkovú stopu. Investujeme aj do dlhodobých vzťahov s komunitami a ľuďmi, ktorým naše pracoviská slúžia.

Viac informácií o našom záväzku ESG k udržateľnosti

GLP Europe v údajoch


rokov skúseností s činnosťou


m2 prevádzkového portfólia


m2 prvotriednej strategickej banky pozemkov, na ktorých sa dá stavať


našich zákazníkov sú vracajúci sa zákazníci

Plnenie potrieb našich zákazníkov je to, čo robíme najlepšie.


Naše najnovšie vlastnosti


G-Park Swindon

United Kingdom

Swindon. 80,927 ft² (7,518 m²)

A state-of-the-art industrial and logistics build-to-suit warehouse spanning up to 80,927 sq ft.


G-Park Skelmersdale

United Kingdom

Skelmersdale. 54,437 m²

G-Park Skelmersdale offers flexible logistics solutions — high quality industrial/ distribution units can be developed to meet occupiers’ requirements from 100,000 sq ft to 260,000 sq ft on 42 acres. Land is divided into three plots, with infrastructure already in place. G-Park Skelmersdale can provide a total of 590,000 sq ft of high quality logistics/industrial accommodation in three or four buildings with best-in class specification.

G-Park London – Stratford

United Kingdom

London. 4,992 m²

G-Park London, Stratford will be a multiple occupancy industrial/logistics site with development opportunities available from 13,003 sq ft to 43,002 sq ft.

Speculative Development | Available Now

G-Park Stevenage

United Kingdom

Stevenage. 19,164 m²

Built to the highest specification, G-Park Stevenage will comprise Grade A standard logistics/industrial accommodation totalling 206,280 sq ft across three different sized units.

Speculative Development

G-Park London Park Royal

United Kingdom

London. 10,358 m²

G-Park London Park Royal is designed to support the logistics facilities that large scale corporate occupiers require.

Available to Let

Unit 3, International Business Park, Stratford

United Kingdom

London. 4,992 m²

Unit 3, International Business Park, Stratford is a self contained industrial / logistics unit totalling 53,741 sq ft, available for immediate occupation.

Available to let

G-Park Basingstoke

United Kingdom

Basingstoke. 19,494 m²

G-Park Basingstoke is a new, speculative development, offering an unrivalled opportunity to service the London and wider South-East markets. The scheme benefits from excellent infrastructure links in an established logistics location. Its excellent location is matched by the high specification design and quality of the development.

Speculative Development

G-Park Manchester Trafford Park

United Kingdom

Manchester. 20,078 m²

G-Park Manchester Trafford Park is situated on a 9 acre site, offering a 216,118 sq ft brand new highly specified distribution and logistics warehouse based in a prime location in the heart of the city.


Magna Park Corby

United Kingdom

Peterborough. 409,046 m²

Magna Park Corby is one of UK's largest dedicated logistics and distribution parks offering a superb strategic location for logistics by virtue of its connectivity across the UK transportation network. Its strategic location, on the A14 in Corby, allows access to both the east coast ports, and the Midlands/South East markets.

Build-to-suit | Speculative Developments

Magna Park Lutterworth

United Kingdom

Lutterworth. 289,983 m²

Development is now complete on four speculative logistics and distribution units totalling 1.2 million sq ft within Magna Park South, Lutterworth – a new 131-acre extension to the existing Magna Park Lutterworth development. The first unit is already let.

Available Now

Hamburg-South (Bispingen) Unit 1 Logistics Centre


Bispingen. 12,582 m²

G-Park Roncello


Roncello (MB). 25,432 m²

Build to Suit | Speculative projects

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde


Madrid. 280,000 m²

Speculative project

OAXIS GLP Park Madrid Villaverde Building 1


Madrid. 26,368 m²

Available now

G-Park Nogarole Rocca


Nogarole Rocca (VR). 15,715 m²

Available now

G-Park Liscate


Liscate (MI). 30,091 m²

Available now

G-Park Arese


Arese (MI). 11,514 m²

Build to suit

Gliwice II


Gliwice. 57,985 m²

Over 56,500 sq m of high quality space for logistics and light industry

Available now

GLP Park Henin-Beaumont 1 & 2


Henin-Beaumont. 27,183 m²

GLP Bratislava Business Zone


Bratislava. 129,999 m²

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