GLP avanza en su programa de energía limpia en España con la finalización de un proyecto solar en G-Park Sagunto

Valencia, 02 diciembre 2024 – GLP, líder mundial en el desarrollo, propiedad y operación de inmuebles logísticos, infraestructura digital, energías renovables y tecnologías relacionadas, anuncia que GLP Clean Energy, su negocio de energía renovable en Europa, ha completado la instalación de un sistema de paneles solares fotovoltaicos en la cubierta de G-Park Sagunto, situado en […]

Clean EnergyPrensaSustentabilidad diciembre 2, 2024

Installation of Rooftop Solar Project at Venlo Belfeld Logistics Centre

We are making good progress with the construction of our rooftop solar project at our Venlo Belfeld Logistics Centre, in the Netherlands.   The size of the roof is over 38,000 sqm and we are installing 8,347 solar modules, each designed to maximize energy efficiency and production.  The project will provide a total PV capacity of 4.8 […]

Clean Energy septiembre 5, 2024

Rooftop Solar arrives at G-Park Sagunto

We are pleased to see the progress being made with our rooftop solar project in G-Park Sagunto, Valencia, Spain.   With over 85,000 sqm of high-quality logistics space G-Park Sagunto is a significant project in our Spanish portfolio.  The project features a total PV capacity of 3.7 MWp and will be equipped with 6,720 high-quality solar […]

Clean Energy septiembre 5, 2024

Going Beyond – Our Commitment to Biodiversity

Going beyond – our commitment to biodiversity We pride ourselves on our approach to biodiversity. Respectful of the environment, we work with local ecologists to understand the habitat, identify any possible issues and recommend innovative measures to create protected and sensitive environmental places. We value the importance of healthy ecosystems and take actions to safeguard […]

Perspectivas mayo 22, 2024

Industrial is misunderstood and that is damaging supply in London

At a recent planning committee for a logistics scheme in London, we had no objections, which was remarkable given the urban character of the area, but the approval process wasn’t any less complex. The scheme was subject to Design Review Panel scrutiny on two occasions. We were asked to make changes that would have compromised […]

Perspectivas mayo 9, 2024

Industrial zones can look good and serve the environment: a green oasis is being created in Holubice, where modern technologies save energy and water

Arriving at GLP Park Brno Holubice is a completely different experience from visiting similar industrial-logistics developments. It feels more akin to entering a park complex surrounded by gardens with a community orchard. The buildings on the site, the loading bays and the wide driveways make it clear where you are. The low height and sensitive […]

PerspectivasSustentabilidad julio 10, 2023

Cop27: logistics’ call to action

Almost a year has passed since Cop26, when the world gathered in Glasgow to take action on climate change. The event was a watershed moment in terms of securing commitments from governments and corporates to mitigate the impact we are having on the environment. But since then, what progress have we really achieved?

Perspectivas diciembre 8, 2022

Benchmarking and Removing Barriers to Sustainability in Logistics Sector

CoStar News, 24 November 2022 | 14:14 By Natali Cooper, Managing Director and Head of Portfolio & Asset Management & ESG – GLP Europe, and Steve Malkin, CEO & Founder – Planet Mark As we approach 2023, society is left with seven crucial years to effectively convert net zero pledges heard at COP26 into tangible […]

Perspectivas diciembre 8, 2022

Valuing ESG and Net Zero Carbon in Industrial & Logistics

GLP’s Venray Logistics Centre was highlighted as a case study in this report by JLL on the impact of ESG on the Industrial and Logistics sector, as well as the opportunities and challenges brought on by the tightening of legislations and changing attitudes of the market. To visit JLL’s website and read the full report […]

Perspectivas mayo 26, 2022

Levelling Up – The Logic of Logistics: a British Property Federation report

The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that our industrial and logistics facilities are a key part of the nation’s critical national infrastructure. Alongside our supply chains, they support other important and growing sections of a strong economy and the way we live our lives by ensuring we have what we need at the right time. They […]

Perspectivas mayo 10, 2022