An excellent location along the S17 route, just a 10-minute drive from Lublin Airport, ensures convenient international transport and quick access to cargo connections. The center offers 33,350 square meters of warehouse space, providing optimal conditions for efficient logistics and distribution. Additionally, the proximity to downtown Lublin facilitates access to a skilled workforce from local universities.


8 km (0:10) → Lublin Airport

94 km (1:15) → Border crossing

184 km (1:50) → Warsaw

315 km (3:15) → Łódź

425 km (4:20) → Katowice

4892 km (5:00) → Poznań

525 km (5:10) → Wrocław

360 km (3:50) → Gdańsk

33 350 sqm of ESG focused business space featuring:


15 min  drive time→ 97 492 people
30 min  drive time→ 321 209 people

Maciej Rojowski

Business Development Manager -

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