

The logistics center is located in the InterPark, the intermunicipal industrial park between the communities of Großmehring and the market town of Kösching in the district of Eichstätt. The Interpark is one of the most important industrial parks in southern Germany, and is located in the immediate vicinity of to Ingolstadt and the catchment area of the metropolitan regions of Munich and Nuremberg.

A broad and well-developed road system, the direct rail connection with its own marshalling yard and two independent direct motorway connections to the A9 (Lenting junction, Ingolstadt-Nord junction) are also strategic features of this location.


The fast and cost-effective accessibility of business partners and consumers (in the western and southern countries as well as the emerging eastern European states) distinguishes Ingolstadt. More than 10 million inhabitants can be reached within two hours, 19.3 million within 3 hours and a total of 68.2 million within 6 hours. The proximity to the Danube (the most important European waterway) and the well-developed, modern fiber optic network are also strategic advantages.

A high industrial quota and high job density characterize this economically strong region with excellent prospects for growth. Several well-known companies from the automotive, service and trade sectors are located locally and the first-class infrastructure thus enables worldwide  distribution.

Headshot of Michael Gerke smiling and wearing a black suit with a blue shirt

Michael Gerke

Head of Development - Germany

+49 0 174 307 36 10

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