GLP advances Clean Energy programme in the Netherlands with completion of solar project at Venlo Belfeld

Amsterdam, 18th November 2024 – GLP, a leading global business builder, owner, developer, and operator of logistics real estate, digital infrastructure, renewable energy, and related technologies, announces that GLP Clean Energy, its renewable energy business in Europe, has completed a new installation of a rooftop solar PV system at its logistics centre in Belfeld, in […]

Clean Energy PRPrensa noviembre 18, 2024

GLP Clean Energy signs Power Purchase Agreement with Fastned at G-Park Zevenaar, the Netherlands

G-Park Zevenaar is one of the largest rooftop PV installations in Europe. The development saves approx. 5,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Following the completion of G-Park Zevenaar, one of Europe’s largest renewable energy installations announced on 6th July 2023, GLP today announces that GLP Clean Energy has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) at […]

Clean Energy PRPrensa febrero 22, 2024

GLP Clean Energy firma un contrato de compraventa de energía en España, creando un nuevo proyecto solar in situ

El sistema solar fotovoltaico sobre cubierta se instalará en el activo logístico arrendado a Romar Global Care en G-Park Sagunto, Valencia. Se espera que este proyecto genere un ahorro de 11.000 toneladas de CO2 a lo largo de su vida útil, lo que equivale a plantar aproximadamente 15.000 árboles. GLP anuncia que GLP Clean Energy […]

Clean Energy PRPrensaSustainability PR enero 17, 2024

GLP Clean Energy signs new Power Purchase Agreement in Europe

GLP Clean Energy has signed a new Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Europe, as part of its efforts to decarbonise the built environment. GLP has signed a 15-year PPA for its rooftop solar PV plant located at its logistics park in Oss, the Netherlands. Under this tri-partite PPA, Xidoor, a Dutch door manufacturer, will purchase […]

Clean Energy PRPrensaSustainability PR noviembre 1, 2023

GLP Europe Clean Energy continues to expand the team

GLP is pleased to announce several significant new appointments within its Clean Energy team in Europe. Under the leadership of Stefano Fissolo, Senior Director, GLP Europe Clean Energy, the team is expanding its capabilities to meet the increasing demand from customers for clean energy solutions across the logistics sector. GLP Europe Clean Energy invests in […]

Clean Energy PRPrensaSustainability PR septiembre 11, 2023

GLP appoints Stefano Fissolo as Senior Director to its newly established renewables division in Europe

GLP today announced the appointment of Stefano Fissolo as Senior Director, Renewables at GLP Europe. In his new role Stefano will take ownership for driving the growth of GLP’s onsite renewable energy program to decarbonize its built environment by deploying rooftop solar, battery storage, electric vehicle infrastructure and other cleantech applications. GLP is already an […]

Clean Energy PRPrensaSustainability PR junio 14, 2022