Headquartered in Luxembourg, GCP Europe Management SàRL (the “Company”) is subject to the law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers and supervised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.
Our key objective is to act as the alternative investment fund manager for the GLP Group range of funds domiciled in Luxembourg.
We are responsible for risk and portfolio management for the funds in accordance with their investment strategy, as well as the marketing of the interests of the funds.
We have offices both in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands.
GCP Europe Management S.à.r.l. is regulated by the CSSF.
GCP Europe Management S.à.r.l.
Batiment Le Dôme – C
2 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
L – 1653 Luxembourg
GLP Netherlands Management BV
WTC Tower I, East Wing, Level 2
Strawinskylaan 1811
1077XX Amsterdam
The Netherlands